
Daanish Ellias

As founder of World of Steel, Daanish has a continual quest and drive for helping businesses grow in the steel using industry. With over 30 years of strategic business management and leadership experience, he is known as a catalyst for change and understands the challenges CEO and Marketing managers face in this extremely volatile environment.. Not surprisingly you will often find him feeding his hunger for life long learning with a good book and latte! This blog is reflection of his passion for the steel industry. He promises to intrigue, challenge and sometimes even question (and praise as well) Government policies for the long term effect they can have on the user industry.

Steel Trenches

Stories from the Steel Trenches – Bangladesh, September 2018

Stories from the Steel Trenches – Bangladesh, September 2018 I was in Chittagong and Dhaka on a steel conference organized...
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Steel Trenches

Stories from the Steel Trenches – United States

Stories from the Steel Trenches – United States Regardless of one’s Political thoughts in the United States, it is without...
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Steel Trenches

Stories from the Steel Trenches – Bangladesh, September 2018

Stories from the Steel Trenches – Bangladesh, September 2018 I was in Chittagong and Dhaka on a steel conference organized...
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Steel Trenches

Buying Galvanized Steel and Prepainted Steel

Buying Galvanized Steel and Prepainted Steel Buying Galvanized Steel and Prepainted Steel…. Buying from overseas is arduous and tests even...
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Steel Trenches

Protectionism and its downside

Protectionism and its downside We are seeing in the Indian Steel prices the outcome of multiple trade and non-trade barriers...
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Steel Trenches

Jobs, jobs, where are they in India?

Jobs, jobs, where are they in India? Jobs are there in India. But they are in Small and Medium Sector...
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Steel Trenches

Thoughts on “Make in India”

Thoughts on “Make in India” Each morning as I step out of my car, I run into the “Make in...
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Steel Trenches

Is it the death knell of SMEs and MSEs in India?

Is it the death knell of SMEs and MSEs in India? Is it the death knell of SMEs and MSEs...
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Steel Trenches

A unique experience with WOS

A unique experience with WOS The onset of May marked the end of my second academic year at Indian Institute...
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Steel Trenches

Heads I win, Tails I win

Heads I win, Tails I win If you are a steel producer in India, you have the best of both...
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Steel Trenches

A headache called “Steel”

A headache called “Steel” Steel is making more headlines than perhaps any other Industry in India. Daily there is a...
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Steel Trenches

Budget 2014-2015 Highlights

Budget 2014-2015 Highlights This is what has been gathered for our steel sector: Budget 2014-2015 Highlights 1. Royalty rates on...
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Steel Trenches


GREEN SHOOTS FOR STEEL RECOVERY? Is it a mirage or is it real? Are we seeing a steel recovery? There...
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Steel Trenches

Steel Industry – Need for transformation!

Steel Industry – Need for transformation! It has been a cycle of gloom-boom and again we are getting towards the...
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Steel Trenches

Women hold half the sky in China

Women hold half the sky in China A saying of Mao which is actually practised in China and it is...
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Steel Trenches

Buying Prepainted and Galvanized from China

Buying Prepainted and Galvanized from China Writing a blog from the spot is always challenging and perhaps even invigorating….nothing like...
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Steel Trenches

How far has India come?

How far has India come? The recent news of steel centers and marketing offices being opened by Essar in Europe...
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Steel Trenches

Experience with World of Steel

Experience with World of Steel It was the month of August, when I came to know about the brand World...
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Steel Trenches

Escalating Prices — A bullwhip effect

Escalating Prices — A bullwhip effect The recent steel price escalation reflects the classic bull whip effect in the global...
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Steel Trenches

Breaking News!!!

Breaking News!!! Dear Friends, You probably saw the below article or a similar story in other publication. I just want...
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